Bring Joy To Your Life

Living with Intention

Whether you are looking to make a shift in your life and relationships, wanting to better cope with difficult thoughts and feelings, or wishing to gain more insight into yourself, therapy is a safe place to begin exploring where you want to go and how to get there. I specialize in working with individuals and couples to help them find greater peace and happiness in their relationships, and gain insight in order to more effectively cope and communicate in their lives.

Dr. Amanda Skowron Romano is a licensed clinical psychologist Peace of Mindfulness LLC

Meet Amanda

Dr. Amanda Skowron Romano is a licensed clinical psychologist who is passionate about breaking down the stigma of therapy and helping people understand that seeking therapy is about health and wellness. In addition to working with individual clients and couples, Dr. Skowron Romano provides workshops and presentations bringing mindfulness into corporations, schools, and healthcare settings. Dr. Skowron Romano has extensive specialized training in Mindfulness and Acceptance Based Interventions. She has conducted research on mindfulness and published articles about postpartum depression. Her passion is to work with a clinical focus on prevention and wellness.

I’m here to help you thrive

After years of personal and professional experience, Peace of Mindfulness was created to help individuals and teams get the most out of their lives. The decision to seek therapy is unique and personal to each one of us. We will work together to learn how stress impacts both physical and emotional well-being, and how stress is addressed with practical solutions to increase calm and clarity.

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